Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 93

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93. [93.] The Judgment. I saw the judgment in which Muslims were conveyed from the west and led round about in their circuitous route, around the Papists, along a way toward the north and to the east, in what appeared to be a circular path. I saw also that on the way the evil were cast out of the compass of that route where there was a widely extended area, some into deserts there, some into swamps and marshes, some into dark forests. These places lay behind their mountain. To the side of that area of theirs in the north lay an immense and extensive gulf, into which many who had led an evil life were cast. The rest continued by a roundabout way toward the east and there spread out into a large area extending further to the rear. Those brought there were ones who acknowledged God the Father, and the Son as a very great prophet, who is with the Father. The area was large, divided into mountains, hills, and valleys, over which they were distributed, and it is well with them there. Those who were better still, enjoying an intellectual sight beyond that of the rest, were conveyed also to that place, where they had communication with the Christian heaven, although with a space intervening that separated them. They were ones who, having been instructed, accepted the Lord; and those who well accepted Him were conveyed into the south, where they found their heaven behind Christians there.

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