Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 92

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92. [92.] Owing to a natural sight, many Muslims have a better grasp of spiritual matters than Christians, because they think a great deal and desire truths. They understood well that all things in heaven and in the world relate to goodness and truth; that when truth is believed, it is a matter of faith, and that when a person is affected by goodness, it is a matter of love; that for this reason a person is given two faculties, intellect and will, the intellect for receiving truth, thus faith, and the will for receiving goodness, thus love; and that goodness and truth must be united, consequently the intellect and the will, for a person to be truly human, and so also faith and love. They clearly perceived from this that people who are possessed of goodness of life enjoy a perception of truth, because good seeks out truth and wills to be joined to it and to be as though nourished by it, truth being as spiritual food for good. Conversely, they also perceived that truth desires good in order for it to be anything, because without good truth has no life in it. Thus they perceived that there is a reciprocal desire of one for the other, and that this is what makes a person human.

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