Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 92

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92. [92] Many Mohammedans, from natural light, comprehend better concerning spiritual things than the Christians do; because they think much, and desire truths. They understood well that all the things in heaven and in the world refer themselves to good and truth; and that truth, when it is believed, is the truth of faith; and that good, when a man is affected by it, is the good of love: and therefore two faculties, understanding and will, were given to man; the understanding by the reception of truth, thus of faith, and the will by the reception of good, thus of love: and that good and truth, thus the understanding and the will, must be one, that the man may be truly a man; thus also a man of faith and of truth. They clearly perceived thence that they who are in the good of life, are in the perception of truth; for the reason that good desires truth, and wishes to be conjoined, and as it were nourished; and that truth is as spiritual food to good; also on the other hand that truth desires good, that it may be anything; because without good there is no life in truth; thus that there is the reciprocal desire of the one for the other, and that from this man is man.

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