Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 93

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93. [93] In the Judgment I saw that the Mohammedans were led from the west and round about in their circuit around the Papists, by a way towards the north to the east, in a circular way to appearance: and that on the way the evil were cast outside of that sphere where there is a space of great extent; some into a wilderness there, some into swamps and pools, some into dark forests. These things were on the backside of their mountain: on the side of that space in the north there was an immense and extended whirlpool, into which also many, who had led an evil life, were cast. The rest proceeded by a circuit towards the east, and spread themselves into an ample space that extended itself more to the back. Thither those were led, who acknowledged God the Father, and the Son as the greatest Prophet, who is with the Father. That space was broad, divided into mountains, hills, and valleys, upon which they were arranged; and there it is well with them. They who were still better, enjoying more intellectual light than others, were likewise led to that place, where there was communication with the Christian heaven, a space which separated intervening. These were they, who, being instructed, received the Lord; and they who received well, were led into the south, where they obtained their heaven behind the Christians there.

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