Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 202

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202. [204.] 64. People who are caught up in faith alone and lack any life of charity are mostly sensual, for evils of life-which they do not see in themselves and have not much tried to see-occupy and form their voluntary faculty, and what a person is like in respect to his voluntary faculty determines what he is like in respect to his interior elements. Consequently in them these interior elements have been closed off, and everything that has to do with the church and heaven lies below or outside them, thus in the memory only, where it resides as the traditional faith or as knowledge. The reason for this is that when a person hears something relating to truths-concerning the Lord, the Word, eternal life, heaven, and the state of angels and people after death-he receives them as matters of memory; but as soon as he thinks about them as to whether this or that is so, then the sensual, bodily element in him forms judgments and conclusions. The conclusion drawn is that it cannot be so, because what is first in the memory as a matter of doctrine must be believed, as that the Godhead exists in three persons, that the Lord's humanity is not Divine, and that angels, being spirits, are like puffs of air, and so, too, a person after death. This happens because it is the sensual element that draws the conclusions, and it is impossible for light to be received from heaven to enlighten it, the inner elements having been closed to the flowing through of that light. Explore whether this is not the case when any such concept is placed under direct examination, and inquiry is made as to whether it is so. The sensual person is such that he seizes on fallacies and believes appearances and calls them true, while rejecting actual truths which require the light of heaven. Faith alone occasions this, and because of it those people cannot be brought into any understanding of truth.

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