Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 203

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203. [205.] 65. Some angels said that faith alone is not possible. Spirits who had been caught up in faith alone in the world angrily began running in every direction to wherever angelic spirits were and asking whether faith alone was possible. They ran in this way to ten or fifteen places, and they everywhere received the reply that it was not possible, because faith without love is knowledge, and in their case a knowledge of falsity. Moreover if they wished to call knowledge faith because they have persuaded themselves of it, even though they do not understand whether it is right, still, they were informed, it is only a persuasion because it is what they have been told, not much different from the persuasion that dead bodies and bones and people's tombs are sacred, when in fact they are waste matter and symbolize damnation and hell. On hearing this they ran about and inquired what love was, asking whether it was not faith alone. The angelic spirits thought them insane, and still more so when they said that faith alone was works, as though they had said that thinking was doing. They ran about furthermore and asked whether faith was then an empty nothing. They received the reply that faith separated from charity is an empty nothing, because faith is called faith in consequence of the charity that is its soul, and that without charity it is like a body without a soul.

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