Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 201

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201. [203.] 63. Many times I have seen people who claimed to have faith, who, when they were examined, were found not to have any faith other than that described above. They call it the only saving faith and also a spiritual one, and yet have not in any way lived a Christian life by abstaining from evils on the ground that they are sins. They were sent to places where truths constituted the people's faith and drew their essence from goodness of life, and a communication was opened there as to whether they had any faith; and at that they themselves, from the perception granted them, openly confessed that they did not possess any element of faith, that what they had was factual knowledge like any factual knowledge derived from the world, and that they had not known what faith was, namely, that faith is truth, and that truth is not truth but only an utterance of articulated sound unless it springs from good.

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