Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 200

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200. [202.] 62. Regarding people who continually argue about truths: There are hells where the people do nothing else but argue about truths. One of these lay beneath the groin. In it were some who believe that they know everything and that nothing escapes them, when in fact they know nothing other than that their faith constitutes the whole of the church in a person. There are some in that hell who, because they believe that they know everything and that they alone ought to speak, despise the laity. They are continually saying that this or that is the absolute truth and cannot be disputed. I heard perpetual altercations and conflicts going on there to the point that they tried to attack their opponents with their fists, but were held back by others. They appear in their hell as though tearing their garments, and from it is heard what sounds like the gnashing of teeth. Thus they go back and forth, and thus they argue, not the least concerned for the truth but driven by pride in their own understanding and an urge to dominate. They are removed from others, because they disturb all peace of mind and take away any freedom to think from the Word by advancing their own opinions as if from the Divine and assailing all who do not accept them. There are at the present time many companies like this from the Christian world, because they have divided the church in accordance with their opinions as to what is to be believed; and they not only reject goodness of life, but even say that they do not know what it is, unless it is giving to the poor and listening to sermons.

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