Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 200

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200. [202] Concerning those who are continually wrangling about truths. There are hells where they do nothing else but wrangle about truths. One of them was under the groins. In that hell were those who believe that they know everything and that nothing is hidden from them, when yet they do not know anything, except that their faith is the all of the church with men. There are those there who, by reason of their belief that they know all things, think that they alone are entitled to talk; they despise the laity. They are continually saying that this is the truth itself, and that it cannot be contradicted. I have there heard perpetual contradictions and quarrels which went so far that they wished to attack their opponents with their fists, but they are held back by others. They appear in that place as if they were tearing garments; and from the place is heard as it were the gnashing of teeth. Thus do they go forward and back and thus do they wrangle, not at all for the sake of truth but for the sake of themselves from the pride of their own intelligence and from the itch of domineering. They are removed from others, because they disturb all tranquillity of mind and take away the freedom of thinking from the Word, inducing their own opinions as though they were from the Divine and infesting all who do not receive. At this day there are many such consociations drawn from the Christian world, because there they have divided the church on questions of opinion concerning what is to be believed, and the good of life they not only reject, but they also say that they know not what it is unless it be to give to the poor and to hear preachings.

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