Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 139

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139. [140.] 7. After numerous destructions and quasi-judgments had been accomplished, which were forerunners of the general destruction and judgment, and companies of spirits who were impure had been cast into pools, lakes, swamps and gulfs, that is, into hells, others then came there who were skilled in the art of inspiring and inciting others to evils in their inner thought. These stirred up their hearts against the Lord, and against the Divine truth issuing from Him, causing a multitude to begin to rise as one whole mass in ferment. The tumult then spread from there in every direction, as when a rebellion is begun by a few and yet at last incites a mob-in this case spreading onto a number of rocks and mountains, extending to their peaks and from there to the sides, and descending even to their foundations. I saw the mob stretching far and wide. Their intent was to destroy those who acknowledged the Lord and also worshiped Him, and who were in possession of Divine truths from Him. When it was noticed how broadly the contagion had spread, then the Lord's advent took place for the general judgment. This advent was a flowing in of the Lord through the heavens into those people, an influx which looked like a misty atmosphere enveloping those mountains and rocks, and it carried off the inhabitants there-not casting them down but bearing them away. That Divine atmosphere entered into their interior elements and laid them open. Thus what lay hidden in their will and heart became apparent, and this carried them away and bore them down into hells in accordance with the evils of their life. I saw that Divine atmosphere swirling around in circles, sometimes reversing course, and it also drew those people from places where they had hidden themselves. This was accomplished with tens of thousands within an hour's time. At the conclusion of these events, the tops of the mountains began to subside, and the mountains themselves sank down all the way to level ground, and a solitude appeared. Such phenomena are meant in the book of Revelation by the first heaven and the first earth which John saw pass away,* for mountains in the spiritual world, with their rocks and valleys, look there like our earth in the world, and they call their habitations on mountains there heavens. The people who were thus carried off and cast down are those meant in the book of Revelation by the dragon and its two beasts (chapters 12, 13), and by the false prophet, who were cast into the lake of brimstone and fire (chapters [19, 20]).** * Revelation 21:1. ** See Revelation 19:20, 20:10.

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