Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 140

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140. [141.] 8. The Judgment on Protestants or the Reformed took place as follows: Those who had led a life of charity-which can also be called a life of faith-were all taken up into heaven long before the universal Judgment, and those who in heart had rejected heaven and had led an evil life were all by turns cast into hell as they came from the world. The Judgment was executed solely on those who professed religion and acted as though in accordance with religion, but did so only hypocritically. It had been granted them in the world of spirits to gather in many places and to make a pretense of religion as they had in the world, although in fact they had no religion. These were the ones who made heavens for themselves, and who are meant by the first heaven and the first earth,* who by arts unknown in the world were able to create splendid surroundings and also to persuade people like themselves that they were in heaven. Their outer elements communicated with the lowest heaven, but their inner ones with the hells, and because of their communication with the lowest heaven they were tolerated, in accordance with the Lord's words regarding the rooting up of the tares.** The angels of the lowest heaven were first separated from them and the communication broken-as happens comparably with the seeds in fruits when they have ripened, the seeds then separating themselves of their own accord from the flesh of the fruit when it is time to produce a new tree. * Revelation 21:1. ** Matthew 13:24-30,36-43.

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