Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 141

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141. [142.] 9. All Protestants or Reformed for whom there was still some hope were gathered in the center, where all were arranged according to their kingdoms in the world, because these in turn made for diversities in their dispositions or affections. Above them and also around them, however, were those who read the Word, went often to churches, but yet made evils of life of no account, loving themselves and the world above all else. They formed a great multitude there. Surrounding the central area, containing Christians possessing the goodness of faith and charity, were black caverns slanting downward into the hells, which occupied a broad space below, where there were hells beneath hells. Such chasms and gulfs existed on every side of that center area-to the east, west, south, and north. The hells extended also under the circular band formed by the Papists around the Reformed. All the inwardly evil were arrayed around the Christian center, and they were taken from every point to those gulfs and cast into them. Thus into the gulf in the east were cast those gathered from the east, who were people caught up in love of self, especially in a love of ruling, and who knew nothing other than that faith alone saves. Into the gulf in the south were cast those who were versed in the doctrinal teachings of faith; into the gulf in the west those who were caught up in love of the world; and into the gulf in the north those who were without understanding, but who simply listened to sermons and did not afterward take away any instruction.

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