Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 138

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138. [139.] 6. There was a level stretch of land somewhat more elevated than a valley. Gathered there was a multitude of spirits who had learned how to accomplish evil ends by cunning and guile, and to place themselves invisibly behind other people and impel them to think and say what they wished them to, thus evil and falsities. They developed these arts in consequence of their possessing an insane love of ruling over others. Because it was also discovered that their malice was complete, their destruction occurred. That whole plain was overturned, and in another place the earth then opened and good spirits rose up, spirits who had been hidden away by the Lord in a lower earth and protected from being infested by the evil. These then replaced the first spirits and came with all their number into possession of their land. Such events were represented by the children of Israel who were given the land of Canaan after the malice of the nations there was complete.

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