Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 137

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137. [138.] 5. People who settle themselves on rocks are mostly ones caught up in faith separated from charity, and those who settle themselves on mountains that are higher than rocks, ones caught up in love of self. So it is that in the Word a rock symbolizes faith, and a mountain, love. Moreover, when the evil had been thus gathered onto rocks and mountains prior to the Last Judgment, they experienced suddenly then first quakings and movements of the earth, by which are meant perversions of state in respect to the Church; and this was followed by everything being then overturned, which was occasioned either by their sinking down, or by their being transferred, or by their being cast out, and so thrust down into hell. As for the mountains and hills on which angels dwell, the wisest are at the center and the less wise on the peripheries. But on those on which the evil dwell, the worst are at the center and the better ones on the peripheries. The sinking occurs at the center and looks like a swirling vortex, but spiraling down.

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