Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 108

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108. [109.] That women and maidens who lived in convents and entertained lascivious thoughts, and still more those who committed lascivious acts, are cast into hells where they suffer dreadful torments. Moreover, those who devoted themselves to piety alone and did not do any work are split up among adherents of their religion to act as maids, learning that mere piety in a state of idleness does not contribute to salvation. But those who were industrious and loved to work-they are allotted places among women in the churches with whom all is well. Those who in their convents were diligent, serving others there in various ways in attending to food, clothing, and other employments in their community, and who did these things out of charity and affection-such are conveyed out of that territory to a region on the border between the south and the west, where they form a society which is secure from persecutions and men, and they are sent to instructors who teach them truths of faith, for they are more capable of being taught than the others.

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