Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 109

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109. [110.] There was a vast multitude of Papists dwelling to the east, occupying that whole territory all the way from the eastern zone to the southern one, and extending to gentiles there upon its mountains and plains. That entire multitude was transferred by a direct route into the west, where they were given abodes on hills and plains over a widely extended area. They were people who had lived intent on good, even though lacking in truths, who had performed good works in accordance with their religious belief, and who were of such a nature that they would not harm others or employ artful schemes. It was apparent that they desired truths from the fact that as they traveled along the route, it appeared as though they were asking each other for silver and clothing, as the children of Israel did from the Egyptians, which symbolized their desire for truths and their reception of these from them-from such as do not do anything good.

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