Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 168

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168. [168] The combat of the Dragon with Michael was afterwards as follows, for it lasted some days: A hand was seen stretched out over the heavens by the Lord. In the western quarter towards the west* there appeared as it were a great back raised above the middle towards heaven; angels in immense number were seen there. In that entrance were the dragonists; and they spoke with them concerning the Lord and concerning the goods of charity and thence of faith. All then turned towards them to hear what they would say. And the dragonists were forced into the thoughts concerning the Lord and concerning faith alone which they had in the world; and then most of them had no Divine idea of the Lord, nor any idea of charity and works. The angels answered them wisely on this matter, but in vain. They said, moreover, that all the angels in the heavens do not perceive the matter thus; but it was in vain.** And at last, after the combat, when the dragonists were only willing to give further response outside of the matter or the truth, but could not, they were adjudged to be cast down from every place where such spirits were. But when they said they would resist, the Lord was seen descending from the sun in a bright cloud, and He gave judgment that all who were found to be such should be separated and alienated. And then they were cast down successively and by turns according to the connection of the societies of heaven; towards the western quarter an immense number, and a thousand then appeared as one. The grievous collision of truth and falsity which pertained to temptation was felt within me. The whole western quarter was full of such spirits who had been cast down from the heavens; and then the earth was seen to open, and they were cast down and were covered over with a dense cloud. They were all such as would never have abstained from thinking and willing evils but only from doing them by reason of fear. This happened in 1757 on the 11th day of April.*** From the southern quarter to the western the dragonists were seen in a curved line under the figure of a tail; at the south, there, were those who had been skilled in the degrees of justification and had confirmed these with themselves. * The M.S. has, ocvcidentem, "west." In SE 5742 it is septentrionalem, "north." ** See SE 5722. *** See SE 5746.

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