Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 169

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169. [169] The Lord's heaven was first inherited by such as had acknowledged Him and had lived well, who had had heaven in themselves; afterwards, succeeded those who wished merely to have heaven outside themselves. To these latter it was also granted to make heavens for themselves, which they called heaven when they saw the magnificent things, such as palaces, porticos, paradises, and many serviceable things. But, since their internals were not in correspondence, such things disappeared; and then by phantasies and the abuses of correspondences and by many arts, they provided for themselves things similar. This did not last long, however, for they placed everything in delicacies and in bodily pleasures, and thus they became wholly external such as they had been in the world; and then came the judgment, after which followed continual purifications of the societies from such spirits.

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