Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 169

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169. [169.] The heaven provided by the Lord was taken possession of first by such people as acknowledged Him and lived well, who had heaven in them, but they were later followed by ones who wished to have only heaven around them. It was also granted these to form heavens for themselves, which people called heaven when they saw the magnificent sights, such as palaces, avenues, parks, and numbers of servants; but as their inner qualities did not correspond, those things ceased to exist, and they then acquired for themselves the like through fantasies, correspondences, and numerous arts. However, this did not last long, because they devoted all their energies to indulgences and pleasures of the body, and so became totally external, as they had been in the world; and then came the Judgment. Continual purifications of societies followed after that, purging them of people of this character.

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