Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 167

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167. [167] Those who were in faith separate rose up in insurrection, exciting a rebellion well-nigh universal. Their dogma and their learned leaders rose up against those who acknowledged the Lord and a life of love from Him. They stirred up all, except those who were in the eastern quarter, these were guarded by the Lord, even to certain Mohammedans who were in the northern quarter. They sent forth companies of fifty to many places, in order that they might stir up those who were there;* and those who remained and directed were divided into companies of ten. Their purpose was to destroy all those who acknowledged the Lord alone, and works together with faith as being saving. Almost all of them were without religion, and hence without conscience. But when they set out to do this, and were in the endeavor to destroy others that were evil, a force flowed down from on high, or from heaven, by which they were cast down to the hells, to a number exceeding many thousands. They also conjoined themselves with Papists and with monks who in the world had proclaimed themselves Christs and had thought nothing of the Lord's Divinity. When the whole crew had been cast down, the leaders were taken; and they became black as devils, both within and without; and they became so monstrous that they would be scarcely recognized as men. For man is such as he is as to life; he who is black as to life, afterwards becomes black even from head to heel. It was found that they had not rebelled from zeal on account of the doctrine of faith alone, but from the delight of ruling and of doing evil for the sake thereof. This was the combat of Michael with the Dragon; for all such who have insinuated themselves into heaven are drawn forth thence and cast down. They are Michael who worship the Lord and [who make] works conjoined with faith saving; for since the one is not given without the other, therefore they save conjointly. * See SE 5731 1/2, 5758.

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