Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 167

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167. [167.] 33. Those Protestants who were caught up in faith alone rose up in insurrection, inciting an almost universal rebellion. Their learned leaders rose up with their dogma against those who acknowledged the Lord and the need for a life of love from Him. They stirred up all but those in the eastern zone-the latter being protected by the Lord-and their insurrection extended even to certain Muslims who were in the northern zone. They sent out groups of fifty to numerous places, in order to stir up the people, and those who remained and directed the rebellion were divided into groups of ten. Their intention was to destroy all those who acknowledged the Lord alone and regarded works together with faith as saving. They were almost all without religion and therefore without conscience, but as they were engaged in this endeavor and in the attempt to destroy others, a force from on high or from heaven then flowed down by which tens of thousands and more were cast into hells. They allied themselves also with Papists and their monks who in the world had proclaimed themselves Christs and had given no thought to the Lord's Divinity. After the whole crowd had been cast down, their leaders were seized, and they became black devils inside and out, becoming so monstrous as to be scarcely recognizable as human. For a person's character is the character he has in his life. One who is black in respect to his life becomes black as well afterward from head to toe. Upon investigation it was found that they had rebelled, not out of zeal for their doctrine of faith alone, but owing to a delight in ruling, and in doing evil because of it. This event was Michael's battle with the dragon,* for all of that character who had insinuated themselves into the heavens were removed from there and cast down. Michael stands for those who worship the Lord and regard works in conjunction with faith as saving. For as one is not possible without the other, therefore the two together are saving. * Revelation 12:7, 8.

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