1468. They have their own punishments of vastation. They seem to themselves to be immersed in waters which are like atmospheres, for they are so tenuous that they scarcely appear as water, for which reason they may be called atmospheric waters. They who have hatched hypothetical theories or falsities, and who persuade themselves concerning them by confirmations, seem to themselves to be immersed in such waters. In these tenuous waters they suffer grievous things, and are carried about sometimes at a greater and sometimes at a lesser depth, for they desire to emerge. The suffering is in some respects like that of the veil. But there is a great variety, for those who confirm verities, not from a love of their own glory but from a love of truth, do not suffer grievous things. Some have been sent there who said that they felt nothing grievous, while others perceived the utmost grief; the latter also said that they were now being freed from it, and that it had diminished. Thus this takes place according to their minds [animus].