Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 1468

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1468. People such as these have their own chastening punishments. They seem to themselves to be let into atmosphere-like waters, so rare that they hardly appear as waters and may therefore be called atmosphere-like waters. Into these they seem to themselves to have been immersed, and those who had hatched false theories, convincing themselves of them by confirmatory material, suffer hardships in those waters, being carried around, now deeper down, now higher up, longing to emerge from them. It is a hardship somewhat like that of the veil [434-5, 1373, 1386]. But there is great variety; for no annoyance is suffered by those who confirm truths, and not for their own glory, but from a love of truth. There were some who had been let in there who said they had felt no annoyance, while others experienced something most troubling, who also said they are now being freed of their burden, that the annoyance was lessening. So this takes place according to their various dispositions.

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