Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 96

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96. [96.] The abodes of Muslims who remained settled after death are for the most part in the western zone. After the Last Judgment there came anew into that zone many who thought little about the God of the universe, and not at all about the Lord, but worshiped Muhammad as God; and because they did not find him, they chose another on a mountain overlooking the Christian domain, with whom they consulted and whom they obeyed. Moreover, by order of their new Muhammad, they then invaded the Christian domain and plagued the Christians in various ways. But after a visitation, in which it was discovered that they were a promiscuous people delighting in idleness, who were unwilling to do anything useful, they were cast into their hells. They also affiliated themselves with Babylonians* and knew how to make themselves invisible. Finally the earth on which they stood was turned upside down and they with it, and they were cast into hell. There in their hell I saw a fiery glow. * i.e., Roman Catholics.

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