Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 96

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96. [96] The mansions of the Mohammedans, after death are palaces. They are for the greatest part in the western quarter. After the Last Judgment there came many anew into that quarter, who thought little respecting the God of the universe, and nothing respecting the Lord, but worshipped Mohammed as God. And because they did not find him, they elected another, on a mountain elevated above the Christian region, with whom they consulted, and whom they obeyed: and then, by the command of their new Mohammed, they poured themselves into the Christian region, and infested them in various modes. But after visitation, and the disclosure that they were a wandering nation, and one that delighted in idleness, and wished to do nothing useful, they were cast into their hells. As long as they consociated themselves with the Babylonians, they were also able to render themselves inconspicuous. At length the earth upon which they were was rolled over above them, and they were cast into hell: their hell appeared fiery.

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