Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 301

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301. [278.] Moravians or Herrnhuters

(Do not write about those who are in the world, but about those who have departed from the world. I have spoken with the latter and heard the following:) [279.] 1) That they are simply Arians,* and deny the Lord's Divinity, saying that the Divinity in Him is like that in any other person. When they are told that He was conceived of Jehovah, they go along (even though they are not easily willing to admit it), not wishing to deny the Scripture in order to avoid being accused; but still they say something such as Jews do. Others of them, when they have been convinced, say that He was born to become an adoptive Son. They convince themselves by the Lord's Word, that He was left in His freedom to suffer the cross,** not knowing why this was the case. They say they love Him, because He took it upon Himself to suffer the cross, and because it is so commanded by the Father, and especially because for His suffering of the cross He is loved by the Father. 2) They reject the Old Testament as existing no longer for them, but for Jews. 3) They also have little regard for the Gospels, saying that the Lord spoke as a simple person and thus that there is no Divinity in them. 4) As for having faith in the Lord as found in the Gospels, they say that this is what He Himself wished, and that He ought not to have spoken so. 5) They acknowledge only the Epistles of Paul, and also the historical portions of the Word, but they do not believe the latter to be among the Word's holy declarations. 6) Regarding good works and charity, they say that these ought not to exist together with faith, that one ought to shrink in horror from doing good works for the sake of attaining heaven, and that they would rather accept into their company the most malevolent of people than people like that. In short, they condemn people of that sort even to hell. 7) They are in speaking extremely deceptive. With everyone they speak to the other's heart in matters of religion. They take care that those mysteries of theirs are not disclosed. Everything else that they think and teach among themselves regarding the Holy Supper and baptism is such as does not accord with the Protestant faith. They do not admit to the Holy Supper any others than those who accept the three mysteries of theirs in it, because it is a confirmation of them. 8) It can be seen from this that they are among the worst of those who profess Christianity. 9) They make much of the sensation they experience, but they were shown that that sensation comes from Moravian spirits who were of their company in the world. These spirits draw nearer to those who think much about their religious faith and love it, saying that they are more alive and blessed than others. The spirits strongly reinforce these feelings, and accordingly their sensation of them. * Adherents of Arianism, a theological view based on the teachings of Arius (c. 250-336), who taught that Christ the Son was a created being, not consubstantial with God the Father, and thus not Divine. ** See perhaps Romans 5:14-18; Ephesians 2:14-16; Philippians 2:5-8; Hebrews 12:1,2.

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