Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 301

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301. [278] THE MORAVIANS. I do not write of those who are in the world, but of those who are out of the world, I spoke with these and I heard.

[279] (1) They are mere Arians, and deny the Divine of the Lord, saying that He has the Divine, such as man has. When it was said to them that He was conceived of Jehovah, they come together, nor do they wish easily to admit it, wishing to deny the Scripture lest they should be refuted; but still they say something that the Jews do. Others when they are convinced, say that He was born that He might be adopted. They confirm themselves by the Lord's word that in His freedom He was left to suffer the cross, not knowing why this was done. They say that they love Him, because He took it upon Himself to suffer the cross, and also because it is commanded by the Father, then especially because He is loved by the Father on account of the passion of the cross. (2) They reject the Old Testament as no longer for them but for the Jews. (3) They also despise the Gospels, saying that the Lord is spoken of as a simple man, and thus that there is nothing Divine in them. (4) Concerning faith in Him spoken of in the Gospels, they say that He so wished it, and that it ought not speak thus. (5) They acknowledge the Epistles of Paul only, and also the historicals of the Word, but they do not believe in the holiness of the Word. (6) They say concerning good works and charity, that they ought not to be together with faith, and that they shudder at doing good works for the sake of heaven, and that in their heaven they would rather adopt the most malevolent than such; in a word they condemn them to hell. (7) In speaking they utter the greatest fallacies; they speak with each one according to his heart in religion. They guard lest those mysteries should be disclosed; the rest which are concerning the Holy Supper and Baptism they think and teach violently. They are such things as do not agree with the faith of the Reformed, nor do they admit to the Holy Supper any others than those who receive those three mysteries, because they have confirmed them. (8) From these things it is evident that they are among the worst who profess Christianity. (9) They make much of their sensation, but it was shown to them, that their sensation is with their spirits, who were enthusiastic spirits from their assembly in the world, who come nearer to them, who think much of their religion and love it, saying that they are more loving and happy than others. These confirm them very greatly, thence is their sensation.

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