Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 234

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234. [237.] 97. Let all who are in the world and read these words know that the love of ruling for one's own benefit and not for the sake of being useful is the fundamental diabolical love and contains in it all evils. Let them know this and guard themselves against it. All evil loves are contained in it and accompany it, including ones that a person is completely unaware of in the world. I have an abundance of examples sufficient to show that people who in outward appearance seem to be moral and Christian, but inwardly in themselves think of nothing but themselves and the world, after death are associated with devils. I observed such a one over a long period of time, who in his heart was so arrogant that scarcely anyone else could be more so, and yet in the world he could speak theologically with theologians and morally with others. He pretended to be more just and fair than any other, but after he died he became such a fiery devil that he not only denied God but even wished to be the devil himself so as to be able continually to fight against God and destroy heaven. He burned with such hostility against all who acknowledged the Lord that he was frequently punished, but in vain. If I were to recount his acts of malice, cunning, and criminality, I would fill pages. I saw in him what the devil is like in his hell and in people. It was Charles XII.* People of that character do not acknowledge God, but believe all who conquer to be gods, and they wish to become gods themselves and to be worshiped. * Charles XII, 1682-1718, king of Sweden 1697-1718.

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