Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 233

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233. [236.] 96. All those who possess a love of ruling for their own benefit, and not for the sake of being useful, retain that love after death, and wherever they go they try to rule, the love being one that, as it is given rein, rushes on. It is a love that spurns everything Divine unless it serves it as a means of ruling. Consequently it likes it as long as it serves it as such a means, but when it does not serve as such a means, it not only rejects it but hates it. The reason is that that love is opposed to heavenly love. Such people are not admitted into heaven; and if by hypocritical pretense they do insinuate themselves into heaven, they fill the whole vicinity with a notion and image of themselves, even when they are speaking of God. Thus they turn astray the ideas of the angels, which are directed from themselves to God. Therefore they are driven away. This I have been shown. Most of these people are carnal, because they have immersed themselves in their native character and have not raised themselves above it.. People like that are conveyed to the boundaries of the world of spirits of our earth, where a lake appears full of smoke and fire, and being first rolled in the dust, they are given over to the life they led in the world, and so are cast into the lake.

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