Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 235

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235. [238.] 98. I heard a conversation once regarding the love of ruling, in which it was said that many believe that those who in the world worship the Lord, love Him, when in fact they are His foes; and the statement was made that a devil can be impelled to worship the Lord if only it is promised him that he will become great, and still more if it is promised that he will become exceedingly great. Permission was then granted for the speakers to take from hell one of the devils there who was most hostile to the Lord; and they told him that the Lord would make him exceedingly great. He changed his attitude to such a degree that he wished to lead all to the Lord, and to impel them by various threats, saying that the Lord must be honored and worshiped, and asserting this earnestly and persuasively, having in mind that he would become the Lord's vicar. However, when he saw that he had been deluded, he began to detest the Lord and became His implacable foe as before, but was cast into hell. In a word, the delight of exercising command surpasses every delight of the body.

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