Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 218

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218. [220.] 80. Many of them would say that they were willing to be instructed and so reject that faith, but without success. It remained too deeply enrooted, because it had been the fundamental tenet of their life. What is surprising, moreover, the learned of that religious persuasion regard justification by faith alone as a Divine mystery-so that to try to put a finger on it would be like trying to touch the pupil of the eye-saying that they have bound themselves to it by a sworn oath. Even when they have been shown that that faith is described in the book of Revelation by the beast from the sea,* and in Daniel by the little horn which grew in every direction and cast down from heaven the host there,** and when they hear this confirmed from heaven where the inhabitants perceive the correspondence, still they continue to worship justification as their idol, by which they mean justification by faith alone. I have spoken with them at length as well about the effort to do good following justification, asking whether there is in this effort any element of will on the person's part. Some have said that there is, others that there is not, and that it must be kept quite separate. * Revelation 13:1-7. ** Daniel 8:9,10.

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