Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 217

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217. [219.] 79. After the Judgment, those who had been scattered about among others were gathered together, and when they had been assembled, a burning came into their heart to seduce upright people into believing that faith alone saves. Consequently the latter complained about them to the Lord, and I then saw them receding more and more until they reached the boundaries of the Christian world. To the rear of these boundaries lay desert areas, and I saw a great number of those people driven into them. I was also granted after that to see what the desert was like. I found rude huts and shacks, in which the men live an almost solitary existence with some whore, and they are surrounded by rocky ground and masses of stones heaped together, with several paths running in between, although they dare not approach one another. They are afraid of each other, fearful that the others will do them harm, nor do they believe it when people stand at their doors and invite them out. They have given to them daily a bit of bread and some water. Certain others send them something else to eat. I did not see any bush, much less a tree, but only stretches of sand and rocks.

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