Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 218

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218. [220] Many of them said they were desirous of being instructed and thus of rejecting that faith, but in vain;* the inrooted faith clung to them because it had been the principle of their life. What is marvelous, the learned of that religion regard justification by faith alone as such a Divine mystery, that touching it is like touching the pupil of the eye; saying that they have bound themselves to it by oath. But it was shown them that in the Revelation it is described by the beast from the sea [Rev. 13:1-10], and in Daniel by the little horn which waxed great towards all the quarters, and cast down from heaven the host thereof [Dan. 8:9-10]. But when they hear this confirmed from heaven, where correspondences are perceived, they still worship justification as their idol. The justification that is meant is justification by faith separate from charity. I also spoke much about the endeavor to do good which follows justification, asking them whether this endeavor is anything of the will on man's part. They said that it was: others said that it was not, but was to be carefully separated. * See SE 6023.

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