Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 129

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129. [130.] I was conveyed to some who knew nothing of God in the world and were said to live on a certain island, but who nevertheless led a well-behaved life with each other. They appeared to me not as human beings but as apes, yet having still a human face. They so appeared because they knew nothing of God, and the Divine is in the likeness of a human being. One of the Christians was put in charge of them by the Lord. I spoke with him, and he said that they obey him and love him, that they are unassuming and carry out their tasks, but that at first they could hardly grasp matters having to do with religion. After some time, however, they were granted a closer communication with Christians, he said, and they began to receive some measure of religion; and he cherished the hope that they could be reformed, because they had led a well-behaved life and were obedient and hardworking.

[Marginal Note] on similar matters elsewhere, see below, page 129 [no. [191]

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