Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 105

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105. [105.] Babylonians* since the Last Judgment continue to gather daily upon mountains in the west as before. The reason is that a spirit after death cannot go anywhere else than to the place where his life is found. Thus Babylonians are upon mountains, where some of their predecessors had made for themselves what appeared to be new heavens. But as soon as the number gathered there reaches about two hundred, they are cast down into hells as previously. Moreover, this continues until everything has been reduced to such a state of order that no one can go anywhere else after death than to his own hell, and none of them are able to remain on the land there; and this is the case when those places are occupied by societies in which the people acknowledge and worship the Lord. [106.] The southern zone where the richest people were and where Jesuits had a great city-a zone which was completely overthrown, as may be seen from the description of the Last Judgment** is still a wasteland; and I have seen monks there sometimes, who, because they have heard of treasures having been buried there, still flock in to search for them, but in vain. * i.e., Roman Catholics. ** See The Last Judgment and Babylon Destroyed, no. 61.

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