Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 104

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104. [104.] Louis XIV,* king of France, is today among the happy, having been made governor by the Lord over the best society of the French nation in the spiritual world, formed of those arriving from the world. He acts uprightly and justly, and is zealous in providing whatever may be useful to his subjects there. He acknowledges the Lord and the fact that the Lord has power over heaven and earth. He reads the Word and shuns guileful and cunning practices. He told me that he had been of the same character in the world. On one occasion when I was speaking with him, he suddenly descended, as though by steps, it seemed, to a place below me and a little to the fore, and I perceived that he was then in appearance as though at Versailles. I also then perceived that he had entered into a kind of trance, and instantly a silence surrounded him, and me as well. This lasted for two hours, and after that he ascended and said to some bystanders that he had spoken with the king of France, his grandson,** who reigns today, and that he had urged him to refrain from confirming the Bull Unigenitus.*** He also said that he would otherwise meet with misfortune. He did not know whether he perceived this in a clear vision, he said, or in a vague one, such as occurs in the thought with some emotion of the heart. This took place on the 13th day of December, 1759, about 7 or 8 o'clock in the evening, approximately. * Louis XIV (called also "Louis the Great," "the Sun King"), 1638-1715, king of France 1643-1715. ** Louis XV, 1710-1774, king of France 1715-1774, actually the great-grandson of Louis XIV. *** A papal bull issued by Clement VI on January 27, 1343, which gave official approval to the teaching of the Schoolmen that indulgences owed their efficacy to the Pope's dispensation of the accumulated merit of the Church.

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