Conjugial Love (Chadwick) n. 122

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122. (v) From the marriage of good and truth proceeding and flowing in from the Lord a person receives truth, to which the Lord links good. This is how the church with a person is formed by the Lord.

The reason why a person receives truth from the good and truth which come forth as one from the Lord is that he receives it as of himself. For he thinks it as if of himself, and likewise employs it to speak. This happens because truth enjoys the light of the intellect and consequently a person sees it. Anything he sees in himself, that is, in his mind, cannot have its source known, for its influence is invisible, just as are the things which impinge on the eyesight, so that the impression is given that they are inside it. This appearance is God's gift to a person, thus enabling him to be a human being and to be linked in return.

Another reason is that a person is by birth able to know, understand and be wise, and this ability receives the truths that give him knowledge, intelligence and wisdom. Since woman was created by means of man's truth, and after marriage is more and more formed to love it, it follows that she too receives the husband's truth in herself and joins it to her own good.

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