Conjugial Love (Chadwick) n. 123

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123. The reason the Lord attaches and joins good to the truths a person receives is that a person cannot grasp any good as it were by himself, since it is hardly visible to his sight. This is because it is not a product of light, but of heat, and heat is felt, not seen. When therefore a person sees truth in his thought, he rarely reflects on the good which influences it and gives it life as the result of love on the part of the will. Neither does a wife reflect on the good she has, but on her husband's propensity towards her, which depends on how far his intellect has risen towards wisdom. She attaches the good she has from the Lord without her husband being aware of the attachment. These facts establish the truth of the proposition that a person receives truth from the Lord, and the Lord attaches good to that truth, the more so the more the truth is applied to a purpose, that is, in proportion to a person's will to think wisely and so to live wisely.

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