Conjugial Love (Chadwick) n. 121

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121. (iv) The spiritual offspring born of the Lord's marriage with the church are truths, the source of understanding, perception and every thought, and good deeds, the source of love, charity and every affection.

The reason why the spiritual offspring born of the Lord by means of the church are instances of truth and good is that the Lord is good itself and truth itself, and these are not two, but one, in Him. Also nothing can come forth from the Lord but what is in the Lord and is the Lord.

It was shown in the preceding chapter on the marriage of good and truth that this marriage comes forth from the Lord and influences human beings, being received in a way determined by the state of mind and way of life of those who belong to the church. The reason why truths are the means which allow a person to have understanding, perception and every thought, and good deeds are the means which allow a person to have love, charity and every affection, is that everything in a person relates to truth and good. Also, a person is composed of two faculties, the will and the intellect, the will being the means of receiving good, the intellect the means of receiving truth. Love, charity and affection belong to the will, and perception and thought belong to the intellect - a point which does not need to have light cast on it by being proved, because this statement is illustrated by the act of understanding.

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