Conjugial Love (Rogers) n. 121

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121. (4) The spiritual offspring that are born from the marriage of the Lord with the church are truths, from which come understanding, perception and all thought; and also qualities of goodness, from which come love, charity and all affection. The spiritual offspring that are born from the Lord through the church are truths and qualities of goodness, because the Lord is good itself and truth itself (which in Him are not two but one), and because nothing can issue from Him but what is in Him and is Him. In the previous chapter on the marriage between good and truth,* we showed that a marriage of good and truth emanates from the Lord and flows into people, and that it is received according to the state of mind and life in those who belong to the church. A person has understanding, perception and all thought as a result of truths, and love, charity and all affection as a result of qualities of goodness, because all the characteristics of a human being are connected with truth and good. The two elements in a person which make him what he is are will and understanding, and the will is a recipient vessel of good and the understanding a recipient vessel of truth. To show that love, charity and affection are attributes of the will and that perception and thought are attributes of the understanding does not require the light of demonstration, since light on the statement is provided by the understanding itself. * See "The Origin of Conjugial Love from the Marriage between Good and Truth," nos. 83ff.

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