Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 42

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42. [41] Zinzendorf, when he first came into the spiritual world, began to wander around to societies and preach, as he had done in the world. But it was said that he was nowhere received, and was conducted away to his Moravian adherents, and perceived that they were not in heaven, but were in misery, because they contemptuously rejected all uses of life, which are good works; when they wish to receive truths, falsities oppose which cannot be dispersed, because they have loved them exceedingly. They know how to falsify the Word and to twist it from its genuine sense in a dexterous and skillful manner; which is done when gathered in an assembly. Some of their attempts against their companions were disclosed, who wished to disprove those mysteries, or also to reveal them; and Zinzendorf said that he therefore removed himself from them. They say that the Lord is to be loved on account of the passion of the cross, but that He is not to be worshipped. They call the Holy Supper a reminder of the passion.

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