Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 41

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41. [40] A spirit appeared to me in vision, bearing a stag in bonds; but which burst the bonds, and rushed with fury against those he met, wishing to lacerate and destroy them. But there then appeared an enormous dog, which, rushing upon the stag, lacerated him, and tore him to pieces. The stag was afterwards seen in the human form, --it was Dippel who [appeared thus,] because he was not allowed to go about refuting all from the delight of his life, and at the same time to excite disturbance. And Zinzendorf said that he had loved him, but that he had observed that he afterwards receded; and that he was such that he wished to lacerate all by his malignant writings; and that he could refute ingeniously, as if full of science and wisdom; and that this gift was natural to him; but that of himself he thought foolishly concerning things.

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