Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 29

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29. [28] It was further said, that in that chamber the walls are of stone only, without decorations, as elsewhere; and thus it is rude and sad there. On which account, when any, because of his reputation in the world, wish to meet him and speak with him, he does not admit them, because he is ashamed of the rude things there. He sometimes acknowledges that he has been in falsities, and that thence he is such: on which account he sometimes prays that in his chamber he may write concerning charity, and its goods, which are called good works; and then some things are dictated to him from heaven by angels; and when he writes them, the chamber begins to be adorned with various decorations. But after he has written them, and left them upon the table, and read them over, he does not see them; and what he sees, he does not understand; and then the decorations of the chamber vanish: such is his lot.

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