Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 29

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29. [28.] I was told further that in that chamber of his the walls are of stone only, without decoration or ornament as found elsewhere, so that the place is rude and depressing. For that reason, when people wish to meet him and speak with him because of the acclaim in which he is held in the world, he does not let them in on account of the rude conditions there, because he is ashamed of them. At times he acknowledges that he entertained falsities and that for that reason is living as he is, and he sometimes prays therefore to be able to write in his chamber about charity and its good effects which are called good works. At those times he then has some statements dictated to him from heaven by angels, and when he writes them his chamber begins to be adorned with various ornamentations. But after he has written the dictated statements and left them on the table, and then goes to review them, he does not see them, and what he does see he does not understand, at which point the ornamentations disappear from the chamber. Such is his lot.

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