Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 28

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28. [27] There came to me afterwards, from the northern quarter toward the west, certain spirits among the more cunning and malicious; and among them one, who was distinguished from the others by his heavy gait: it was a gait sounding like a bear's. He did many things maliciously; nor did I know who he was. It was afterwards disclosed that he was Melancthon. And that I might know that it was he, he asked where Luther was; and when it was told, he entered in to him, and spoke before him, and was recognized. It was said by Luther, that he spoke much with him about faith alone, or faith separate from good works. Luther inquired of him, what his lot now was: and he disclosed that he was by turns in a chamber paneled above, and by turns in hell under a judge: that when he was in the chamber, he was clothed in a skin like a bearskin, by which he protected himself from the cold; and that he wrote much about faith alone; that when he was in hell under the judge, he was held vile like the rest, and I heard the judge speak of him, that there he was evil, and was sometimes punished for his wicked deeds.

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