Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 22

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22. [21] In their cities, the men dwell at one side of the city, and the women at the other: and when the men desire, they send to them, and the women come; who are indignant at this, that they are thus to come at the command of the man. And they who in the world had ruled over their husbands, when the like is not given them, being kindled with indignation, wish to go out of the city. They are also sent out; but when they are outside of the city, there appears to them everywhere some obstruction and closure, now marshy, now watery, now something else. Thus they wander, and for a long time seek for places of getting away, and this even to fatigue: wherefore they are compelled to return into the city; and they enter their house, and so are amended. The reason is, that the desire of ruling in marriage takes away conjugial* love; which increases with a consort as the love of ruling decreases. In place of this then comes love, and with love enjoyment of life; and then neither the man nor the wife, but the Lord, rules: hence is happiness in marriages. * Tafel has conjugalem; but the MS. has conjugialem.

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