Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 23

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23. [22] The Dutch appear clothed with coats and breeches altogether as in the world; and they are distinguished from others by the fact that their human derives more from the world than the human of others: for the spiritual does not shine through so clearly as with others. This they derive from their love for business in the world, and thence their continual thought and speculation about it. Even when they come into the spiritual world, they revolve similar things in the mind, and look around on all sides to see where there is trading, and what its quality is: for there is trading in the spiritual world equally as in the natural world; but still the difference is such that it can scarcely be described; and what I wondered at, when they meet with business men who wish to search into their thoughts and intentions secretly by close inspection, as is done there, they forthwith become invisible; which is from this, that they were unwilling in the world to divulge their business to others.

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