Divine Love and Wisdom (Rogers) n. 138

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138. This turning to the Lord is an actual one, entailing a certain elevation; for the person is elevated into the warmth and light of heaven, which is occasioned by the opening of his interior elements. When these are opened, love and wisdom flow into the interior elements of his mind, and the warmth and light of heaven into the interior elements of his body. This produces the elevation, an elevation which is like rising from a cloud into open air, or like rising from the air into the stratosphere. Love and wisdom with their warmth and light are then the Lord in the person, and it is the Lord in the person who, as we said above,* turns the person to Him. The contrary is the case in people who are not in a state of love and wisdom, and still more in those who are opposed to love and wisdom. In them the interior elements of both mind and body are closed, and when they are closed, the outward elements act in opposition to the Lord, for it is inherent in their nature to do so. The result is that such people turn their back to the Lord, and to turn one's back to the Lord is to turn toward hell. * No. 130.

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