Divine Love and Wisdom (Rogers) n. 137

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137. Since the interior elements of the mind operate in concert with the interior elements of the body, it follows that when the interior elements of the mind turn to the Lord as the sun, the interior elements of the body also do likewise; and that because the outward elements of each, of both the mind and the body, depend on their interior elements, these outward elements do the same as well. For whatever the outward component does, it does in consequence of the inner ones, inasmuch as the common whole takes all its character from the particular elements which form it. It is apparent from this that because an angel turns his face and body to the Lord as the sun, all the interior elements of his mind and body are turned in that direction too. The case is the same with a person if he continually has the Lord before his eyes, which he does if he is in a state of love and wisdom. He then beholds the Lord not only with his eyes and face, but with his whole mind and heart as well; that is, he regards Him with all the constituents of his will and intellect, and at the same time with all the constituents of his body.

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