179. About the End of the World
So easy it is for Jehovah God to destroy the whole human race, and everything living on earth - and indeed, instantly, and by fire or hellish pains! For there are evil spirits who very closely surround the nature-bound person, and arouse his or her life; and as soon as they are given the power to act, the person is instantly tormented by a kind of spiritual fire, and dies, perishing in a moment, when God the Messiah does not, out of mercy, firmly hold all things, down to the very least, in order. This is so true, and I can affirm it so certainly, that I am permitted to swear to it most emphatically. For I have observed it very frequently, and indeed, through experience so real that there can never be any, not even the least doubt. This is the "Terror," and also the "fire," by which the world is to perish [cf. Is. 33:14-18],* if it does not repent, and also [the meaning of the words] "that the seas will roar," "the Sun and Moon will lose their light," etc. 1747, the 27th day of August (old calendar). * See also 189.